Our body is regulated by different chemicals produced by different glands in our Endocrine system, like pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal, Gonads etc. When any hormone is produced either too less or way too much than its normal value in our blood, it’s known as Hormonal Imbalance.
Hormones play a crucial role in our body; they circulate throughout and control major functions of our body including metabolism, reproduction, growth and development. Any slight imbalance in these hormones adversely affects our mind and body. Hormonal Imbalance leads to several health problems like infertility, PCOS, Hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and several others. Though hormonal Imbalance is seen in both men and women, it is severe in women.
Some of the symptoms are : Unexplained weight gain or loss, Difficulty sleeping, Dry skin, Skin rashes, Changes in blood pressure, Weak bones, Irregular and painful menstruation, Insomnia.
Causes for hormone imbalance could be : Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroiditis, Tumors, Unhealthy diet, Stress, Aging, Lack of physical activity, Obesity, Birth control pills, Diabetes.
Homeopathy treatment uses natural remedies which are safe, effective, and free from side effects. These remedies go down to the roots of the problem and correct them. Homeopathic medicines moderate the hormonal levels in one’s blood by working on the root cause. They optimize the hormonal levels that are either on the higher or lower side in the most mild, effective as well as harmless manner.