Migraine is a condition caused due to specific neuro chemical changes in the brain characterized by recurrent headaches usually on one half of the head. It often combines with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Migraines also last from 4 hours to 3 days, sometimes longer too. Migraine is a genetic disorder and is 3 times more common in women than in men. A migraine is the third most common illness in the world.
Common accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise. The intensity of a migraine headache may vary from moderate to severe.
Few people with migraine notice few warning signs before the onset of actual attack like blind spots, light flash, tingling in hands and feet and loss of balance, whereas few people do not have any warning signs.
Some other symptoms are : Loss of appetite, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Sensitivity to light, Blurred vision , Increased thirst and urination.
Current conditions like Stressful life, insomnia, lack of physical exercise, mental anxiety, and eating habits can increase the migraine headache sequence gradually. Female will suffer from a severe migraine headache during menstruation. Some other causes are hormonal changes, sleep changes, weather changes, medications, certain kinds of food and food additives.
How well HOMEOPATHY works in MIGRAINE?
Homeopathic remedies for migraine are reliable and safe. They offer effective treatment for migraine. In fact, they work wonders for acute migraine attacks or even chronic migraine. These medicines for migraine are selected as per individual case. Individual symptoms are studied in detail and the appropriated medicine prescribed. They identify and attack migraine at the root. Migraines with or without aura respond very well to natural medicines. After a couple of months of homeopathic treatment for migraine headaches, patients are pleasantly surprised to experience a completely pain-free or a headache-free life.