Epilepsy is a serious neurological disorder affecting children as well as adults. The patient experiences episodes of convulsive body movements medically termed as seizures. The seizures are typically described and observed as spasmodic, irregular body movements, affecting various muscle groups of body. It may present with varying intensity and duration, and different groups of muscles in different individuals, at different times.
Anyone can develop epilepsy. Epilepsy affects both males and females of all races, ethnic backgrounds and ages.
Symptoms :
Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in the brain, seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. Seizure signs and symptoms may include: Temporary confusion, A staring spell, Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, Loss of consciousness or awareness, Psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety or deja vu.
Causes : Epilepsy occurs as a result of abnormal electrical activity originating from the brain. Brain cells communicate by sending electrical signals in an orderly pattern. In epilepsy these electrical signals become abnormal, giving rise to an "electrical storm" that produces seizures. These storms may be within a specific part of the brain or be generalized, depending on the type of epilepsy .
Epilepsy is a chronic disease having a tendency to relapse periodically and for many years to life time, if not adequately treated.
How well HOMEOPATHY works in EPILEPSY?
Homeopathy is strongly recommended as supportive line of treatment along with conventional treatment, in most cases.
It may be stated that homeopathy alone may not help all the cases of epilepsy. At the same time, it is worth making a note that many cases of epilepsy which were resistant to the conventional medication, do respond significantly to homeopathy. In the cases where brain tumor is the cause of epilepsy, homeopathy is not suggested as the line of treatment.
Dementia is not a single disease in itself, but a general term to describe symptoms of impairment in memory, communication, and thinking.
While the likelihood of having dementia increases with age, it is not a normal part of aging.
Possible symptoms of dementia : Recent memory loss – a sign of this might be asking the same question repeatedly, Difficulty completing familiar tasks – for example, making a drink or cooking a meal, Problems communicating – difficulty with language; forgetting simple words or using the wrong ones, Disorientation – getting lost on a previously familiar street, for example, Problems with abstract thinking – for instance, dealing with money, Misplacing things – forgetting the location of everyday items such as keys, or wallets, for example, Mood changes – sudden and unexplained changes in outlook or disposition, Personality changes – perhaps becoming irritable, suspicious or fearful, Loss of initiative – showing less interest in starting something or going somewhere.
As the patient ages, late-stage dementia symptoms tend to worsen.
Causes : In dementia, there is a decline or deterioration in the normal functioning of one's brain. This results in impaired thinking and disturbed reasoning capabilities. It is not a disease, but actually, a group or cluster of symptoms brought on by various conditions. The degeneration of the cerebral cortex commonly causes dementia. The cerebral cortex is responsible for memory, thoughts, actions, and speech. Deterioration of brain cells in this particular part of the brain leads to the development of dementia.
How well HOMEOPATHY works in DEMENTIA?
Homeopathy aims to find or match one remedy to the whole condition the person is suffering. The correct remedy is determined by finding out much more about the person’s emotional, mental and physical “symptoms”. Many of the problems associated with dementia such as restlessness, depression, and agitation can be treated effectively and gently with homeopathy.
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture. It's caused by damage that occurs to the immature brain as it develops, most often before birth.
Signs and symptoms appear during infancy or preschool years. In general, cerebral palsy causes impaired movement associated with abnormal reflexes, floppiness or rigidity of the limbs and trunk, abnormal posture, involuntary movements, unsteady walking, or some combination of these.
People with cerebral palsy can have problems swallowing and commonly have eye muscle imbalance, in which the eyes don't focus on the same object. They also might have reduced range of motion at various joints of their bodies due to muscle stiffness.
Symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy may include: Failure to reach normal milestones for sitting up, crawling and walking, Abnormal movements, Stiff, spastic muscles, Difficulties controlling and coordinating muscle movements, Speech problems, such as slurred or poorly formed words, Poor coordination of muscles of the tongue and mouth, which affect swallowing and make it difficult to eat and drink.
Factors that can lead to problems with brain development include: Gene mutations that lead to abnormal development, Maternal infections that affect the developing fetus, Fetal stroke, a disruption of blood supply to the developing brain, Bleeding into the brain in the womb or as a newborn,Infant infections that cause inflammation in or around the brain, Traumatic head injury to an infant from a motor vehicle accident or fall, Lack of oxygen to the brain related to difficult labor or delivery, although birth-related asphyxia is much less commonly a cause than historically thought.
Homoeopathy has been found helpful in cases of cerebral palsy. Despite having common features, all cases have distinct symptoms different from other cases. The child is not just a case, but has his own emotional and physical make up as well as needs. Homoeopathy studies each case individually and best suited medicines are given to the patient.
By stimulating neuroplasticity, homoeopathy effects favourable changes in the damaged brain of cerebral palsy. Homeopathic treatment helps in controlling epilepsy, assists in development of speech and hearing, augments the intellectual and physical growth and helps in functional improvement of the child over a period of time.
It has been seen that homeopathic treatment improves the quality and speed of recovery when given along with the other supportive therapies. Hence, homeopathy should be offered to patients of cerebral palsy for better prognosis.